Eric Fong
Trial Lawyer
Decades of experience, over 100 cases tried to a jury with monumental failures and success. Landmark case include historic $91,000,000 verdict, the largest compensatory damages verdict for one person in Washington State.
Protecting citizens' rights of tenant housing against oppressive landlord control measures, Eric is responsible for the creation of the constitutional right to Intimate Association.
As George Clinton's lawyer, the iconic funk musician/artist, Eric's unique view into the entertainment industry crafted a result that allowed him to maintain his collection of music and is the lead attorney on the definitive copyright case in American jurisprudence.
Recognized in the industry as an innovator in trial work, Eric is the only Washington lawyer to be recognized by both the plaintiffs trial bar/WSAJ and the defense trial bar/WDTLA for their prestigious Trial Lawyer of the Year award.
A teacher of over 17 years at the Trial Lawyers College and a student there for 23, Eric is committed to the grace of continued learning.

The Team
Fong Law is an office with a solo practitioner. Instead of a large firm with many employees, the magic happens with a few special team members, all essential to operations.
lEric Fong, Courtney Bray, Alyssa Merriman
Kenneth S. McEwan​​ (Left to right)

Kenneth S. McEwan
Of Council
In a profession requiring logic, attention to detail, and vision, Ken excels. Ken has a rare ability to think three or four moves down the line, and plot out the decision tree to see all the possibilities.
Ken’s unique perspective stems from a distinguished 40-year legal career with a prestigious Pacific Northwest insurance defense firm.
Relying upon his insider knowledge and trial experience, Ken guides clients who suffer due to the careless actions of others, fighting the insurance industry for justice.

Alyssa Merriman
Alyssa was drawn to the legal profession through a criminal justice course she took during nursing school.
Since joining FL, she has transitioned from her background in medical coding to managing extensive file organization, courtroom technology, and various aspects of office and client management.

Courtney Bray
Creative Director
Outsider to the practice of law, Courtney has a background in opera, graphic design and communication. Much of Eric's time is dedicated to teaching, passing on his knowledge, and refining his presentation of knowledge. Courtney and Eric strategize the presentation of knowledge and of justice.
Serving as editor and co-author on many of Eric's presentations, Courtney is a sounding board for the philosophical and practical application of law in the courtroom.